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Fuel Pumps & Sender Units

Your fuel pump and sender unit are essential parts of your engine. If either of them fails, it could cause damage to your engine, so it’s essential that both are in full working order. At My Motor World, we offer a comprehensive selection of high-quality fuel pumps and fuel sender units to keep your vehicle's fuel system running smoothly and efficiently.



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The fuel pump delivers fuel through a hose and to the engine at the correct pressure. The type of pump your car needs can depend on your fuel type, engine system, and your car’s age. Newer cars have an electric fuel pump while older vehicles may have a mechanical pump. Some cars might also have a carburettor system while others have a fuel injection system. You can find spare parts for both in our range of fuel injection parts, fuel injectors, and carburettor parts.

The fuel tank sender unit monitors the fuel levels in the tank using a float and sensor system. This information is then displayed on the fuel gauge. If the sender unit is faulty, it can show the incorrect amount of fuel in the engine, which can make it difficult to determine when you’re about to run out.

To keep your engine system running smoothly, it’s important to find a sender unit or fuel pump replacement as soon as you notice a fault. Luckily, with our handy registration lookup tool above, you can find the right car parts for your car’s engine.

Buy a car fuel pump or sender unit online at My Motor World and enjoy free UK delivery when you spend £25 or more. Need your part urgently? Members can get free next day delivery. Sign up for free today.

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