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Engine oil is the heartbeat of your engine, so it’s important to invest in the best. Added into your engine system, oil cleans, lubricates, and disperses heat through your engine creating smooth, efficient running. You can rest assured you’re getting top-quality engine oil when you shop My Motor World’s collection, with OEM-approved oils from leading brands like Carlube. Shop the full collection below.

Shop By
Manufacturer Spec
  1. BMW LL-01 4 items
  2. BMW LL-04 30 items
  3. BMW LL-12 FE 2 items
  4. BMW LL-17 FE 7 items
  5. Caterpillar ECF-1-A 7 items
  6. Caterpillar ECF-2 3 items
  7. Caterpillar ECF-3 4 items
  8. Chrysler MS-12145 7 items
  9. Chrysler MS-6395 3 items
  10. Cummins 20076 12 items
  11. Cummins 20077 12 items
  12. Cummins 20078 8 items
  13. Cummins 20081 4 items
  14. DAF Extended Drain 3 items
  15. Deutz DQC III-10 2 items
  16. Deutz DQC III-10LA 2 items
  17. Deutz DQC IV-10 2 items
  18. Deutz DQC IV-10LA 1 item
  19. Fiat 9.55535-CR1 3 items
  20. Fiat 9.55535-D2 6 items
  21. Fiat 9.55535-G2 2 items
  22. Fiat 9.55535-GSX 10 items
  23. Fiat 9.55535-S2 11 items
  24. Fiat 9.55535-S3 2 items
  25. Ford WSS-M2C212-A1 2 items
  26. Ford WSS-M2C913-A 4 items
  27. Ford WSS-M2C913-B 4 items
  28. Ford WSS-M2C913-C 7 items
  29. Ford WSS-M2C913-D 8 items
  30. Ford WSS-M2C917-A 5 items
  31. Ford WSS-M2C937-A 4 items
  32. Ford WSS-M2C946-A 4 items
  33. Ford WSS-M2C946-B1 4 items
  34. Ford WSS-M2C947-A 3 items
  35. Ford WSS-M2C947-B1 7 items
  36. Ford WSS-M2C948-A 1 item
  37. Ford WSS-M2C948-B 6 items
  38. Ford WSS-M2C950-A 8 items
  39. Ford WSS-M2C956-A1 2 items
  40. Ford WSS-M2C962-A1 7 items
  41. Global DHD-1 7 items
  42. GM Dexos 1 10 items
  43. GM Dexos 1 Gen 3 7 items
  44. GM Dexos 2 9 items
  45. GM Dexos D 3 items
  46. Mack EO-M Plus 10 items
  47. Mack EO-N 12 items
  48. Mack EO-O PP 4 items
  49. MAN M 3271-1 3 items
  50. MAN M 3275 7 items
  51. MAN M 3277 2 items
  52. MAN M 3477 6 items
  53. MAN M 3575 3 items
  54. MB 226.5 11 items
  55. MB 226.51 9 items
  56. MB 226.52 1 item
  57. MB 228.3 8 items
  58. MB 228.31 7 items
  59. MB 228.5 3 items
  60. MB 228.51 5 items
  61. MB 229.1 12 items
  62. MB 229.3 21 items
  63. MB 229.31 46 items
  64. MB 229.5 4 items
  65. MB 229.51 37 items
  66. MB 229.52 12 items
  67. MB 229.71 13 items
  68. MB 229.72 4 items
  69. MB 235.28 3 items
  70. MTU Type 2.1 3 items
  71. MTU Type 3 3 items
  72. MTU Type 3.1 5 items
  73. Opel OV0401547 14 items
  74. Porsche A40 2 items
  75. Porsche C20 6 items
  76. Porsche C30 10 items
  77. PSA B71 2290 9 items
  78. PSA B71 2312 6 items
  79. Renault RN0700 32 items
  80. Renault RN0710 26 items
  81. Renault RN0720 8 items
  82. Renault RN17 9 items
  83. Renault T 2 items
  84. Renault Truck RLD-2 8 items
  85. Renault Truck RLD-3 4 items
  86. Renault Truck RXD/RL 3 items
  87. Scania LDF-2 1 item
  88. Scania LDF-3 3 items
  89. ST JLR.51.5122 3 items
  90. STJLR.03.5003 5 items
  91. STJLR.03.5004 4 items
  92. STJLR.03.5005 4 items
  93. STJLR.03.5006 10 items
  94. STJLR.03.5007 6 items
  95. Voith Class A 1 item
  96. Voith Class B 2 items
  97. Volvo CNG 3 items
  98. Volvo VCC 95200377 5 items
  99. Volvo VCC RBS0-2AE 5 items
  100. Volvo VDS-3 12 items
  101. Volvo VDS-4 4 items
  102. VW 501.01 19 items
  103. VW 502.00 11 items
  104. VW 504.00 13 items
  105. VW 505.00 37 items
  106. VW 505.01 7 items
  107. VW 507.00 13 items
  108. VW 508.00 3 items
  109. VW 508.00/509.00 3 items
  110. VW 509.00 3 items

231 Items

  1. Castrol EDGE 5W-30 LL Engine Oil 5L
    ACEA C3, BMW LL-04, MB 229.31, MB 229.51, Porsche C30, VW 504.00, VW 507.00
    Product Code: CAS15F7E7
    20+ Available
    Add to Wish List
    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  2. Carlube Triple R 5W-30 A3/B4 Fully Synthetic Engine Oil R-TEC 16 5L
    ACEA A3/B4, API SL, MB 229.3, VW 502.00, VW 505.00
    Product Code: KBK005
    20+ Available
    Add to Wish List
    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  3. Castrol EDGE 5W-30 LL Engine Oil 1L
    ACEA C3, BMW LL-04, MB 229.31, MB 229.51, Porsche C30, VW 504.00, VW 507.00
    Product Code: CAS15F7DA
    20+ Available
    Add to Wish List
    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  4. Carlube Triple R 5W-30 C3 Plus Fully Synthetic Engine Oil R-TEC 20 5L
    ACEA C3, API SN Plus, BMW LL-04, GM Dexos 2, MB 229.31, MB 229.51, MB 229.52, Opel OV0401547
    Product Code: KBV005
    20+ Available
    Add to Wish List
    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  5. Carlube Triple R 5W-30 A5/B5 Ford Fully Synthetic Engine Oil R-TEC 17 5L
    ACEA A5/B5, API SP, Ford WSS-M2C913-A, Ford WSS-M2C913-B, Ford WSS-M2C913-C, Ford WSS-M2C913-D, STJLR.03.5003, Renault RN0700
    Product Code: KBL005
    Carlube Triple R
    Carlube Triple R 5W-30 A5/B5 Ford Fully Synthetic Engine Oil R-TEC 17 5L
    ACEA A5/B5, API SP, Ford WSS-M2C913-A, Ford WSS-M2C913-B, Ford WSS-M2C913-C, Ford WSS-M2C913-D, STJLR.03.5003, Renault RN0700
    Product Code: KBL005
    20+ Available
    Add to Wish List
    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  6. 20+ Available
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    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  7. Castrol MAGNATEC 0W-30 D Engine Oil 5L
    ACEA C2, Ford WSS-M2C950-A
    Product Code: CAS15F67A
    20+ Available
    Add to Wish List
    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  8. Castrol EDGE 0W-20 V Engine Oil 4L
    ACEA C5, Volvo VCC RBS0-2AE
    Product Code: CAS15F708
    20+ Available
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    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  9. Castrol EDGE 0W-20 LL IV Engine Oil 1L
    ACEA C5, Ford WSS-M2C956-A1, Porsche C20, VW 508.00, VW 509.00
    Product Code: CAS15F610
    20+ Available
    Add to Wish List
    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  10. Carlube Triple R 5W-30 C2 Low Saps Fully Synthetic Engine Oil R-TEC 23 5L
    ACEA C2, API SN Plus, MB 229.31, MB 229.51, PSA B71 2290, Renault RN0700, Renault RN0710, Renault RN17
    Product Code: KBY005
    20+ Available
    Add to Wish List
    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  11. Carlube Triple R 5W-40 Fully Synthetic Engine Oil R-TEC 28 5L
    ACEA A3/B4, API SN Plus, MB 229.3, VW 502.00, VW 505.00
    Product Code: KBO005
    20+ Available
    Add to Wish List
    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  12. Castrol MAGNATEC 5W-30 A5 Engine Oil 5L
    ACEA A5/B5, API SN, Ford WSS-M2C913-C, Ford WSS-M2C913-D
    Product Code: CAS15F909
    20+ Available
    Add to Wish List
    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  13. Castrol EDGE 5W-30 LL Engine Oil 4L
    ACEA C3, BMW LL-04, MB 229.31, MB 229.51, Porsche C30, VW 504.00, VW 507.00
    Product Code: CAS15F7E5
    20+ Available
    Add to Wish List
    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  14. Castrol MAGNATEC 0W-30 D Engine Oil 4L
    ACEA C2, Ford WSS-M2C950-A
    Product Code: CAS15F67B
    20+ Available
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    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  15. 20+ Available
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    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  16. Carlube Triple R 5W-30 C3 Longlife Fully Synthetic Engine Oil R-TEC 21 5L
    ACEA C3, API SN Plus, MB 229.31
    Product Code: KBW005
    20+ Available
    Add to Wish List
    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  17. Castrol MAGNATEC 0W-30 D Engine Oil 1L
    ACEA C2, Ford WSS-M2C950-A
    Product Code: CAS15F67C
    20+ Available
    Add to Wish List
    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  18. Carlube Triple R 5W-40 C3 Low Saps Fully Synthetic Engine Oil R-TEC 27 5L
    ACEA C3, API SN, BMW LL-04, Fiat 9.55535-S2, MB 229.31, MB 229.51
    Product Code: KBZ005
    20+ Available
    Add to Wish List
    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  19. Castrol MAGNATEC 5W-30 A5 Engine Oil 4L
    ACEA A5/B5, API SN, Ford WSS-M2C913-C, Ford WSS-M2C913-D
    Product Code: CAS15F908
    20+ Available
    Add to Wish List
    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  20. Carlube Triple R 5W-30 C4 Fully Synthetic Engine Oil R-TEC 25 5L
    ACEA C4, MB 226.51, Renault RN0720
    Product Code: KCB005
    20+ Available
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    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  21. Carlube Triple R 5W-30 VW Low Saps Fully Synthetic Engine Oil R-TEC 19 5L
    ACEA C3, API SN, BMW LL-04, MB 229.31, MB 229.51, Porsche C30, VW 504.00, VW 507.00
    Product Code: KBU005
    20+ Available
    Add to Wish List
    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  22. Castrol EDGE 0W-20 C5 Engine Oil 5L
    ACEA C5, API SP, Chrysler MS-6395, Fiat 9.55535-CR1, Fiat 9.55535-GSX, Ford WSS-M2C947-A, Ford WSS-M2C947-B1, GM Dexos 1 Gen 3, MB 229.71, Opel OV0401547, STJLR.03.5006
    Product Code: CAS15F6EB
    Castrol EDGE 0W-20 C5 Engine Oil 5L
    ACEA C5, API SP, Chrysler MS-6395, Fiat 9.55535-CR1, Fiat 9.55535-GSX, Ford WSS-M2C947-A, Ford WSS-M2C947-B1, GM Dexos 1 Gen 3, MB 229.71, Opel OV0401547, STJLR.03.5006
    Product Code: CAS15F6EB
    9 Available
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    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  23. Carlube Triple R 5W-30 C1 Fully Synthetic Engine Oil R-TEC 24 5L
    ACEA C1, STJLR.03.5005
    Product Code: KCA005
    20+ Available
    Add to Wish List
    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  24. Castrol EDGE 0W-20 C5 Engine Oil 4L
    ACEA C5, API SP, Chrysler MS-6395, Fiat 9.55535-CR1, Fiat 9.55535-GSX, Ford WSS-M2C947-A, Ford WSS-M2C947-B1, GM Dexos 1 Gen 3, MB 229.71, Opel OV0401547, STJLR.03.5006
    Product Code: CAS15F6E9
    Castrol EDGE 0W-20 C5 Engine Oil 4L
    ACEA C5, API SP, Chrysler MS-6395, Fiat 9.55535-CR1, Fiat 9.55535-GSX, Ford WSS-M2C947-A, Ford WSS-M2C947-B1, GM Dexos 1 Gen 3, MB 229.71, Opel OV0401547, STJLR.03.5006
    Product Code: CAS15F6E9
    20+ Available
    Add to Wish List
    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  25. Carlube Triple R 0W-20 C5 V Fully Synthetic Engine Oil R-TEC 2 5L
    ACEA C5, API SN Plus, BMW LL-17 FE, Chrysler MS-12145, Fiat 9.55535-GSX, Ford WSS-M2C962-A1, GM Dexos D, MB 229.71, Opel OV0401547, STJLR.03.5006, Volvo VCC RBS0-2AE
    Product Code: KCZ005
    Carlube Triple R
    Carlube Triple R 0W-20 C5 V Fully Synthetic Engine Oil R-TEC 2 5L
    ACEA C5, API SN Plus, BMW LL-17 FE, Chrysler MS-12145, Fiat 9.55535-GSX, Ford WSS-M2C962-A1, GM Dexos D, MB 229.71, Opel OV0401547, STJLR.03.5006, Volvo VCC RBS0-2AE
    Product Code: KCZ005
    20+ Available
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    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  26. Carlube Triple R 10W-40 Semi-Synthetic Engine Oil R-TEC 31 5L
    ACEA A3/B4, API SN, MB 229.3, VW 501.01, VW 505.00
    Product Code: KBN005
    20+ Available
    Add to Wish List
    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  27. Castrol MAGNATEC 5W-30 C2 Engine Oil 1L
    ACEA C2, PSA B71 2290
    Product Code: CAS15F6C8
    20+ Available
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    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  28. Castrol EDGE 0W-20 LL IV Engine Oil 4L
    ACEA C5, Ford WSS-M2C956-A1, Porsche C20, VW 508.00, VW 509.00
    Product Code: CAS15F612
    20+ Available
    Add to Wish List
    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  29. Carlube Triple R 5W-30 VW Fully Synthetic Engine Oil R-TEC 22 5L
    ACEA C3, API SP, BMW LL-04, MB 229.31, MB 229.51, MB 229.52, Porsche C30, VW 504.00, VW 507.00
    Product Code: KFI005
    20+ Available
    Add to Wish List
    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  30. Castrol MAGNATEC 5W-30 A5 Engine Oil 1L
    ACEA A5/B5, API SN, Ford WSS-M2C913-C, Ford WSS-M2C913-D
    Product Code: CAS15F903
    20+ Available
    Add to Wish List
    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  31. Carlube Triple R 10W-30 Mineral Semi-Synthetic Engine Oil R-TEC 30 5L
    ACEA A3/B4, API SL, MB 229.1, MB 229.3, VW 501.01, VW 505.00
    Product Code: KEB005
    20+ Available
    Add to Wish List
    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  32. Castrol MAGNATEC 5W-40 DPF Engine Oil 4L
    ACEA C3, API CF, Fiat 9.55535-S2, Ford WSS-M2C917-A, GM Dexos 2, MB 229.31, MB 229.51, VW 505.00, VW 505.01
    Product Code: CAS15F911
    Castrol MAGNATEC 5W-40 DPF Engine Oil 4L
    ACEA C3, API CF, Fiat 9.55535-S2, Ford WSS-M2C917-A, GM Dexos 2, MB 229.31, MB 229.51, VW 505.00, VW 505.01
    Product Code: CAS15F911
    20+ Available
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    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  33. Castrol EDGE 5W-30 M Engine Oil 1L
    ACEA C3, API SN Plus, BMW LL-04, MB 229.31, MB 229.51, MB 229.52
    Product Code: CAS15F6DA
    20+ Available
    Add to Wish List
    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  34. 13 Available
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    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  35. G-Force 10W-40 A3/B4 Semi Synthetic Engine Oil 5L
    ACEA A3/B4, API SN, MB 229.1, Renault RN0700, VW 501.01, VW 505.00
    Product Code: GFA105
    20+ Available
    Add to Wish List
    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25
  36. Castrol GTX 15W-40 A3/B3 Engine Oil 1L
    ACEA A3/B4, API SP, Fiat 9.55535-D2, MB 229.1, VW 501.01, VW 505.00
    Product Code: CAS15F627
    20+ Available
    Add to Wish List
    Next Day Delivery Available Delivery on Tue 8th October
    FREE Standard Delivery When you spend over £25

231 Items


What engine oil do I need?

Consult your owner’s handbook or use our number plate lookup tool to make sure you’re buying the correct engine oil for your car. The main factor will be the oil grade. This refers to the number combination on the front of the oil bottle i.e., 5w30. We have a wide variety of engine oil types on offer in this range, including 0w20, 0w30, 5w40, and 5w30 engine oil.

Another characteristic to consider is whether your oil is synthetic or semi-synthetic. Synthetic engine oil is refined and purified and less viscous, performing better in extreme temperatures. Synthetic oil tends to be favoured in modern vehicles with turbos and features such as start-stop. Semi-synthetic oils are simply a blend of synthetic oil and traditional mineral oil. This blend provides some of the performance benefits of fully synthetic oil, while being more cost-effective.

When should I check the engine oil level?

It’s recommended you change your engine oil every 5000 to 7500 miles to help ensure the performance and longevity of your engine, although you may need to do it earlier if the engine oil light indicates that pressure is low. Oil that has been left for longer can become clogged with dirt particles which reduce its ability to lubricate, increasing wear on your engine and reducing efficiency. However, it’s important to check it much more often than this, especially if you’re embarking on a long journey. It’s best to check your engine oil at least every other week.

How to do an oil change

To conduct a car engine oil change, you’ll need to remove your oil filter and drain the sump of any existing oil. Once this is done, attach a new oil filter. Find the oil fill port, which will be located under the bonnet and have a symbol of oil on the top and pour in your fresh oil. To make sure you don’t overfill, refer to the owner’s manual for the correct amount and use the guides on the side of the oil bottle to confirm how much you’ve added.

Engine oil isn’t the only essential car lubricant we stock in this range. Browse our wider collection now for antifreeze, brake fluid, power steering fluid, and transmission fluid and gear oils.

Buy engine oil for your car from My Motor World today and get free UK delivery when you spend £25 or more on your order. You can also check out our membership programme for all your future car maintenance needs. Shop now.

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